How To Use InstagramCreator Tool
InstagramCreator Tool will help users create bulk Instagram accounts automatically, which will save users’ time and money as well as address all issues that arisen in creating a large number of Gmail accounts.
Main features InstagramCreator Tool
- Multi-thread support
- Create unlimited Instagram accounts
- Support proxy to change IP
- Auto solve captcha
- Autosave proxy, cookies
- Schedule automatic Instagram account creation by using the scheduler tool.
Video Tutorial
When you buy InstagramCreator software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the InstagramCreator.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.
Enter the provided account and password in the dialog box.
Click OK to log into the InstagramCreator software.
You choose one of two ways:
- Run now: Run the software instantly.
- Schedule: Schedule the application to run at specific time.

The following screenshot will show you all setting parameters of the software:

There are 3 features:
1. Reg With Temp Mail: Create an account with temporary mail.
2. Reg With Phone: Create an account with a phone number.
3. Reg With Gmail: Create an account with Gmail.
A. Detailed settings
A1. NumberRun
This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.
A2. Thread number
The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.
Each thread corresponds with a window that is opened. Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.

A3. Proxy Source
There are 3 options for setting this function:

- From File
First, create a text file that contains proxies. Each proxy per line in format: IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password (Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).

Next, get the link of the text file and paste it into File Proxy.
If you rent proxies. Paste the proxy address link here.
- No Proxy
If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software. Create many Instagram accounts on the same IP can lead to your accounts locked.
A4. User-Agents:

Click on ==> select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Login section.
A5. OTP Country
Select the country where you want to create accounts.
Enter the phone code area number of country.
A6. Firstname, Lastname, Password, Username

Click in the First Name/Lastname/Password/Username section to define the names that you want to change. You can use Spintax format or you can select predefined Tips as shown in the following screenshot:

Note: Spintax format is {Rona|Hee|Eun|Eugene|Mari|Jenny|Logan}.
A7. Key
The software will automatically decode google recaptcha.
B. How To Create Instagram Account With Temporary Mail – InstagramCreator Tool
In Action, choose Reg With Temp Mail.
The software will automatically get mail from the web to create accounts.
Website provides temporary mail, so you can only use it once in 10 minutes.
Check all items (tutorial in part B) => click OK.
C. How To Create Instagram Account With Phone – InstagramCreator Tool
C1. Action
In Action, choose Reg With Phone.

Check all items (tutorial in part B).
C2. OTP Service
Choose one of the websites to receive OTP SMS:

At web to rent OTP, copy API Key and paste it into the OTP API KEY section.
D. How To Create Instagram Account With Gmail – InstagramCreator Tool
D1. Action
Choose Reg With Gmail.

Check all items (Tutorial in part B).
D2. Create Profiles
If you want to create Profiles, select Yes, otherwise choose No.

What is the difference between Profile and Cookies?: Profile saves all login information and characteristics of login device such as Device type, screen size, video card… Cookies save login state. Using profiles will consume hard drive space, the more you run, the larger the capacity of each profile, but in return increase reliability and reduce accounts lockout. Using cookies takes almost no space, but is not as reliable as using profiles. Instagram cookies will expire within a month, then if you run with cookies, you must delete the cookies folder and let your Instagram account log in again. If you run with Profiles, Instagram’s login status is maintained forever.
D3. Folder Cookies
Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown:

D4. Data
Note: The data imported contains Gmail,password,recovery gmail,proxy,port. You import as Template.
Finally, select the group to run in the Data section.

E. Run And Export Result – InstagramCreator Tool
Check all items, click OK to run the InstagramCreator Tool.
Select Show browser to see the running of the software.

After the software has finished creating an Instagram account, it will automatically be listed in the Data file
There are 2 ways to get the result:
Option 1:
The output file is in “txt” format. Click on Results => All Results to export the result file. Choose the folder to save the file.

Option 2:
If you want to export the file in Excel, choose Data => Convert => Export Csv:

Then, click > Select the folder to save and name your file > Click OK.
Note: Save the exported information as follows:
Select Convert => Backup.
Select Convert => Restore => Select the time that you want to save information.
F. Tutorial On How To Use Schedule Application Tool
Learn more at the link: Schedule application
Thank you for reading!
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